World Day For Audio Visual Heritage PPT and Google Slides

Pack of 36 slides
P.ID : 68554
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Inspirational Audiovisual Heritage Template Slides

Take a moment now to watch or listen to one of the works that forever altered your life—greetings on World Audiovisual Day. We've just developed a template inspired by World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, which UNESCO established on October 27. Use this 36-slide package on this blessed day to ensure the preservation of the world's audiovisual records, which are gravely endangered and in danger of disappearing. The purpose of celebrating this important day is explained in these slides. You can modify it to make your audiovisual record for future use! Create a fantastic slideshow about the audiovisual industry with these slides, a typeface, stamps, and simple layouts!

Features of this Template 

  •  The Slides are available in different nodes & colors.
  •  This slide contains 16:9 and 4:3 formats.
  •  It is easy to change the slide colors quickly.
  •  It is a well-crafted template with an instant download facility 
  •  The best PowerPoint theme template.
  •  Creative Audio Visual bundle with premium features.

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