Recruitment Sources PowerPoint Template with Circle design

Six colored circles placed around a central magnifying glass icon, each connected by lines, containing text.
P.ID : 53614
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    Creative Recruitment Sources Presentation Template Slides

    Enthrall the Recruitment Sources PowerPoint Template to create inspiring presentations easily. this template is an interesting way of looking into the recruitment process. Prepare an excellent PowerPoint at minimal expense.

    About the template

    Creative Recruitment Sources PowerPoint Template is created to improve the creative skills presentation of the presenter. It is customizable to the choice of the user. The multi-color six nodded branching model will explain the job requirements of your recruitment process. The eye-catching icons in each node enhance the creditability of the slide show. If your topic is text-heavy, this white background will add credits to your presentation. Use contrast color for fonts to create a good remembering PowerPoint Presentation.

    Features of the Template:

    1. Innovative slide background designs
    2. 100% easy to edit and customize slides
    3. The slide contained 16:9 and 4:3 format.
    4. Easy to change the slide colors quickly.
    5. The elegant look of this template will give life to your presentation.
    6. Crisp and clear font styles.

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