August PowerPoint Template - Calendar Design

August 2020 calendar template in black and white with a grid layout and Sundays in red.
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    August Month Calendar PowerPoint Slide

    Get this August PowerPoint Template to share your month's activities with your audience in an easy and effective manner. This slide is created exclusively by our professionals so that you get something unique to your presentation. It is designed by using high-end graphics to show what August month is all about. It will help you to give a professional look to your calendar presentation. Download now!

    About the template:

    The layout of this August PowerPoint Template is such that it can be used for any kind of professional or personal presentation. It has a well-designed August month calendar. Using this slide, you can present the schedule of this month more clearly and understandably. The color scheme and text format used in this slide enhance the readability of your presentation. 

    The August PowerPoint Template is 100% customizable. There are endless editing possibilities when it comes to using this slide. You can edit the appearance as per requirements. You can also add different types of content and images. With this calendar PowerPoint template, you are sure of getting the perfect set of contents for your presentation. So, if you need a little bit of an upgrade for your next official meeting, then consider getting this slide. 

    Features of this slide:

    1. 100% customizable slides and easy to download.
    2. Slides available in different nodes & colors.
    3. The slide contained 16:9 and 4:3 format.
    4. Easy to change the slide colors quickly.
    5. Well-crafted template with instant download facility.
    6. It has a clean and clear layout.
    7. This slide is easy to read and understand.

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