Our Predefined Infographic Template PPT Slide Designs

Radial infographic with four concentric layers, each linked to an icon and percentage value, highlighting business metrics.
P.ID : 12045
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    Attractive Infographic PPT Template Presentation

    Spice up your presentation with this Publisher Template Infographic Slide Presentation. Create a flawless slide presentation without a single glitch. It is 100% editable according to your preferences. You can impress the audience massively.

    About the Template:

    Attractive Publisher Template Infographic Slide Presentation is generated with an alluring design to impress audiences. The white color arcs will help you to look out for possible satisfaction of the audiences. The audience can easily capture the essence of your content with your slide show. Create a powerful presentation and make people stick with your template without any distractions. The elegant icons of this slide will quickly make them get your points. You can add, edit images and content to your preferences.

    Features of this template:

    • Elegant slide background designs
    • 100% easy to edit and customize slides
    • The slide has 4:3 and 16:9 layouts
    • Huge Collections of slides to impress your audience
    • Innovative visuals help to make an eye-pleasing presentation.
    • The elegant look of this template will give life to your presentation.

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