Family Feud has evolved from a classic television game show to a universally cherished game, uniting generations through its unique blend of wit, strategy, and unpredictability. At its core, participants engage with family feud questions, guessing top answers to survey-based queries and scoring points in this iconic "family feud game." Beyond mere entertainment, it serves as an exceptional tool for bridging generational divides, fostering teamwork, and instilling camaraderie. For educators, event planners, and team leaders, this customizable template is invaluable. Its design allows users to seamlessly input their questions and answers, transforming gatherings or educational sessions into dynamic game show experiences. By adopting this resource, presenters can spark engagement, laughter, and critical thinking, ensuring attendees—be they students, corporate teams, or family members—relish every moment. This template is a ticket to infusing events with energy, laughter, and unforgettable memories.