Attractive Europe Map Download Presentation Template

Europe map slide with dashed lines connecting points across regions and caption areas for each connection.
P.ID : 65505
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    Three Nodded Europe Map PPT Slide

    Enjoy making an outstanding map presentation with this Europe Map Download PowerPoint Template. It is an instantly downloadable, easily editable slide. It is also print-friendly and sharable so that according to your preferences, you can use this slide in any kind of presentation. Using this slide, you can easily make a professional-looking presentation.

    About the template:

    The Europe Map Download PowerPoint Template features a simple Europe map. It includes multicolor dotted lines with starting and ending points, so this slide will be very helpful in making transport theme presentations. It also has three text holders to present the description of these travel concepts. Find more Europe PPT Presentation Slides on our site.

    Features of this template:

    1. 100% customizable slides and easy to download.
    2. Slides available in different nodes & colors.
    3. The slide contained 16:9 and 4:3 format.
    4. Easy to change the slide colors quickly.
    5. Well-crafted template with instant download facility.
    6. You can use this slide to talk about travel-related topics.

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