Waterfall model

Waterfall model

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Waterfall Model Presentation Templates

Hasten along with SlideEgg! Move like the rhythm of a waterfall! This pack of Free Waterfall Model PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes help illustrate the cumulative effect of positive and negative values ​​for your categories. Give it a try; everyone will love your slideshow!

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A waterfall chart slide displaying monthly data from january to june with captions on the right.
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Waterfall chart slide with three vertical bars in orange, blue, and pink, with captions in a legend at the bottom.
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Bar chart in waterfall model format, featuring alternating blue, yellow, and pink columns, with captions below.
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Slide featuring a chart with color-coded bars in orange, red, green tracking changes from start to finish.
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Waterfall slide with seven color coded boxes arranged in a descending staircase pattern, representing various steps.
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Colorful waterfall chart slide displaying increases and decreases across eight categories, with corresponding captions.
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Waterfall chart with blue and yellow bars for annual changes, featuring placeholders for increase, decrease, and total.
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Waterfall chart showing data fluctuations across 10 days with purple and pink bars and triangles.
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Waterfall template illustrating six stages in rectangular column, each labeled with process names and placeholder text areas.
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Stacked bar chart of the waterfall model with color coded ranges low, mid, and high end across several days.
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A waterfall chart with blue, yellow, and red bars shows monthly totals, increases, and decreases, ending at a final point
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A slide featuring a waterfall chart, showing data changes in totals, increases, and decreases with textbox in various steps.
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Waterfall Model PowerPoint Template Download Google Slides
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Waterfall chart with colored bars representing values for each day of the week.
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Waterfall slide showing multiple bars in varying colors with value labels and captions along the axis.
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Waterfall PowerPoint chart displaying increases and decreases for eight items with color coded bars for each change.
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Waterfall Chart Infographics PowerPoint And Google Slides
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Waterfall PPT template with a bar chart showing monthly data from January to June in different colors on a white backdrop.
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Waterfall chart slide with eight multiple colored bars representing different values and captions below.
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Awesome Waterfall Chart Presentation Templates Design