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Table Presentation Templates

Our table PowerPoint templates and Google Slides Themes are the perfect way to make your data pop. With their clear and concise design, they're sure to help you communicate your data effectively. With a variety of styles and layouts to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect template to fit your needs. Our templates are also easy to customize.

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Slide with title text at top, icons for columns, colorful captions for rows, and check-mark symbols for comparison.
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Slide with an action plan with colorful columns for objectives, tasks, success criteria, time frame, resources, and a title.
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Color-coded table template showing business data such as customers, revenue, and Evita across four years.
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Colorful table slide showing rows and columns with checkmarks and X symbols with text area.
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PowerPoint table comparing four items across five parameters, highlighted in yellow and teal with checkmarks and crosses.
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Pricing table slide comparing four design plans basic, standard, professional, and ultimate, with features and prices listed.
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A project schedule slide featuring a 2021 timeline divided into four quarters with multi colored project bars.
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Table Infographics PowerPoint And Google Slides Themes
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Colorful weekly timetable slide displaying sections for each weekday from Monday to Friday with placeholder text.
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Table design template with four rows and four columns with each row having a numbered icon and placeholder text.
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Colorful daily schedule template organized by days of the week, with time slots for various tasks.
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Colorful action items table slide listing tasks by ID, action, difficulty, rank, owner, assigned date, due date, and status.
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Illustration of two players at a table tennis match on a purple table, with three circular icons and text on the right.
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Table layout slide comparing two sets of data with colored checkmarks and X symbols with text captions.
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Colorful table template with five columns in red, orange, green, blue, and purple, filled with placeholder text.
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Cost-benefit analysis template with a table showing six content categories at the top and four features, with checkmarks.
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SCAMPER table with seven rows in blue, maroon, teal, red, purple, orange, and gray, each listing a different action.
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A table with pink rows and red headers, showing opportunities and threats in yellow, with weight, rating, and score columns.
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Project deliverables slide with four columns for phase, deliverable, responsibility, and end date, with rows for text.
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Best Table Plan Template PowerPoint Presentation