RASCI model

RASCI model

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RASCI Model Presentation Templates

RASIC - An acronym for Responsible, Accountable, Support, Informed, and Consulted. The RASIC Matrix is ​​a tool for managing a change project, especially when functional boundaries are crossed. Try our Free RASCI Model PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes to make engaging presentations to show the matrix.

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Slide displaying a RASCI matrix with tasks mapped to team members and roles, using color coded cells.
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RACI framework with four distinct colored circular icons representing from responsible to informed roles.
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A collection of slides illustrating the RASIC model with colorful banners representing roles in different layout designs.
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RASCI matrix slides with tables in various colors representing the roles of team members for project assignments.
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RACI slide with four blocks in green, blue, yellow, and red, next to a detailed role allocation table.
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RACI chart slide with four tasks and columns, showing roles marked as responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed.
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Creative RACI Chart Template PPT Presentation Slide
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Color coded RASCI chart featuring labeled blocks in yellow, green, orange, red, and blue, with explanatory text.
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Innovative RACI Template PowerPoint Presentation Design
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Slide featuring a RACI chart with four horizontal blocks in yellow, purple, blue, and green, outlining roles.
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A RASCI chart slide showing tasks and roles with assigned responsibilities with placeholder text.
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Matrix of tasks and responsibilities in a RASCI chart format, categorized by project stages and team roles.
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Colorful RASCI model roles and responsibilities slide with colorful textboxes and captions.
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A RACI matrix table listing various responsibilities across tasks like preparing contracts and assisting customers.
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Five-step roles and responsibilities slide deck with additional slide designs featuring icons and lists on the sides.
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RASCI slide featuring connected roles from responsible to informed, with each role in a unique colored box.
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RASCI slide featuring color-coded five text box columns and icons with placeholder text for roles and responsibilities.
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Five colored figures in teal, red, green, blue, and purple, each labeled with a letter and captions below.
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Gray and red pie chart on the left with a bar graph icon, paired with a RASCI table for tasks and roles.
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Colorful RACI matrix slide displaying responsibilities for Team 1, Team 2, and Team 3 in a structured format.