Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters

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Free Natural Disasters Presentation Templates

Free Natural Disasters PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes to captivate your audience with the power of nature! Explore our library of FREE, stunning visuals, easy-to-edit layouts, creative infographics, HD images for hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, and more. Download today to make impactful presentations in minutes and create awareness!

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Blue-themed slide for discussing climate change, with a central globe surrounded by text on various environmental impacts.
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Tsunami themed slides showcasing large ocean waves and detailed slides on topics like historical tsunamis and recovery.
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Illustration of houses damaged by an earthquake, with a cross-section of the earth showing fault lines.
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Slide with an illustration of house and trees being swept away, with red and orange text boxes on either side.
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A climate change slide showing a split earth graphic highlighting various global warming causes and placeholder text.
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A forest fire photo with orange arc background and four icons displaying text in bullet points.
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Earthquake slide showing a cracked house with text sections for ground shaking, landslides, and liquefaction effects.
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Three panel slide with visuals of natural disasters a fire incident, volcanic eruption, and a dusty canyon landscape.
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Satellite image of a hurricane with descriptive icons and text explaining tropical cyclone formation.
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Slide deck with drought affected landscapes, its impact on agriculture, and oceanic conditions, with yellow and blue accents.
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Turkey Syria Earthquake PPT And Google Slides Templats
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Climate change slide with an illustration of the earth with a rising thermometer, a polar bear, and environmental symbols.
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Illustration of a building collapsing due to an earthquake with  debris falling, set with six caption areas for the effects.
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Natural disasters slide deck with earthy tones, covering earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, and wildfires.
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Volcano themed slides featuring vibrant graphics of volcanoes, with many sections on a yellow backdrop.
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Illustration of a person battling a storm with an umbrella, alongside five bullet points on the right in blue color scheme.
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Visual design for an earthquake detector presentation with a striking volcanic background.
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Earthquake PowerPoint graphic showing a colorful house affected by various earthquake phenomena with placeholder text.
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Illustrated Climate Change slide featuring a globe surrounded by various colorful icons and melting ice caps with text area.
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Slide featuring five volcano illustrations in earthy tones, each with numbered alert levels and descriptive text.