Investor Pitch

Investor Pitch

174 +

Free Investor Pitch Presentation Templates

Ready to dazzle investors and land that dream funding? Our free investor pitch PowerPoint templates and Google Slides themes are ready to download. We've got stunning designs, easy-to-edit slides, and expert layouts to tell your story in a way that makes investors say "YES!" Just pick your slide, plug in your content, and present like a pro!

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Coca Cola themed slide pack with various classic bottle image, charts, and graphs in red and white accents.
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Application Monitoring PowerPoint and Google Slides Themes
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Red and white slide deck showcasing images of hotels, maps, and charts, detailing hotel and hospitality group.
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Slide deck with red and black theme, featuring modern skyscrapers, agenda, market analysis, and growth strategy visuals.
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Investor pitch deck slide showing a roadmap with four stages marked by colored location pins and text captions.
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Insurance broker's investor pitch deck with slides covering many related topics with different layout designs and icons.
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Comprehensive pitch deck for a helicopter services company, with slides on financials, market position, and projections.
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Investor slide deck highlighting financial performance, market reach, asset management, and growth with visuals.
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Dark themed slide deck with burger images, financial charts, and sections on quarterly highlights and projections.
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Golf Entertainment business slides showcasing statistics, investment opportunities, and financial growth insights.
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Professional slides for an investor pitch deck featuring graphs and business growth illustrations covering various topics.
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Investor pitch slide with budget plan layout in a table format, and light blue shading for rows.
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Therapeutics corporate slide deck with bold text on the left and an image of a DNA strand on the right.
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Pharmaceutical presentation for investors, featuring slides on market potential, product portfolio, and growth opportunities.
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Real estate company images for investors, showcasing slides on revenue growth, savings metrics, and competitive advantages.
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Investor pitch slide showcasing a timeline of product sales decline with colored icons and key events from 2015 to 2019.
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Industrial company investor pitch slides featuring wind turbines, data charts, industrial layouts, and financial insights.
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Real estate investor slide deck with structured layouts, orange accents, graphical data, and high quality property images.
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Healthcare investor cover slide deck with a simple white background and blue wave details about health care plans.
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Slide with a lightbulb icon and flowchart showing three rectangular boxes leading to two ovals, with a gray text box.