If you are looking for a Blank World Map Continents And Oceans PPT, you are in the correct place. These Templates represent the world map with all continents. Our template has continents with a colorful background. We also specified the continents by shading a variety of bright shades. We also mentioned some continents' and ocean names, and you can replace them with your data. This template is used in school presentations or business meetings.
About this template
It is an oval-shaped Blank World Map template with a dark background for a better look. Our template has high-quality content that is rare to get from any other page. In addition, This template has a colorful continent, and it will engage students. In addition, This template has a colorful continent, and it will engage students. However, Users can choose any PowerPoint background slides from our collection of Blank World map PowerPoint slides.
Why do you need to choose our template?
These templates are fully editable to replace elements like color, text, font & continent name.
It is a pre-built slide with all the necessary elements you need to design the best presentation.
Our PowerPoint Template provides many engaging slides for making presentations related to a world map.
Feature of this template
Features of this template
Fully Customizable (shape, color, size & text).
This template has a Multicolor theme, and you can also choose.
It includes customizable arrows with four different nodes(Fully editable)
It supports an aspect ratio of 4:3 and 16:9 format