Amazing Anagram of Rocket PowerPoint Template Design

Rocket launch slide with four numbered paths in red, blue, orange, and purple, each with matching text boxes.
P.ID : 46816
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    Creative Anagram Of Rocket PPT Template

    Would you like to present your presentation innovatively to your audience? Our Anagram Of Rocket PPT Template will help you achieve your imagination. Using this template, you can quickly explain your plans with rocket animation. Then, using our pre-built template, You can attract more new clients and gain more profit. This template is used for a school presentation or any meeting.

    About this template:

    This template is a four-step process with text holders. First, users can add their information to text holders. Second, there is an animation of a rocket on the right side, and This will engage your audience and keep their excitement to a peak. Third, our template is a multicolor slide with white background.

    What is the benefit you get from this template?

    • This template is fully editable.
    • There is no limitation in adjusting the icon colors in this template.
    • Our users can choose any slide from the rocket Presentation Slides. Then, download and add your information.
    • You can customize the colors, text formats, size, and shapes.

    Features of this template:
    • 100 % customizable slides and easy to download.
    • Slides are available in different nodes & colors.
    • This slide supports 16:9 and 4:3 format.
    • Easily readable and acceptable template.
    • Practical background color scheme.
    • Easy to change the slide colors quickly.

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